If you’re a runner, what better way to get acquainted with your new city than by going for a run, particularly with like-minded locals?
该 跑房, a chain of running gear stores, publishes running maps for a huge number of Canadian cities.
有地图 温哥åŽ, 维多利亚, å’Œ 基洛纳 在公元å‰; å¡å°”åŠ é‡Œ å’Œ 埃德蒙顿 在艾伯塔çœ; 多伦多, 汉密尔顿, 伦敦, 滑é“å¢, å’Œ æ¸¥å¤ªåŽ åœ¨å®‰å¤§ç•¥çœ; å’Œ é北克市, as well as Montreal’s 西山, Outremont, å’Œ Pointe-Claire neighborhoods in Quebec.
The Running Room also sponsors running clinics ä»¥åŠ free weekly practice runs, which are generally held Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings, 但检查 Running Room store nearest you for a schedule.
照片由邓肯罗林森 (Flickr的)