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加拿大国庆日: Party like it’s 1879

提交 七月 1, 2009 – 4:00 关于没有评论

Changing of the Guard快乐 加拿大国庆日!

July 1st is the day that Canadians celebrate the anniversary of联合会” — the date that the country was first established on July 1st, 1867. 虽然联邦发生在 1867, there was no holiday in honor of Confederation until 1879, when it was first celebrated as 自治领日.

这些天, the nation’s biggest Canada Day party 发生在 渥太华, with concerts, ceremonies, and a variety of special events, culminating in a gala fireworks show over the Ottawa River. Headlining this year’s musical festivities is Grammy Award-winning singer 莎拉克劳克兰, who’s performing two shows on 国会山.

在温哥华, there are Canada Day festivities at 加拿大广场 和 格兰维尔岛. 一 加拿大国庆日游行 将行军下来格鲁吉亚和瑟罗街道, beginning at 7pm, 和 fireworks will light up the sky over Coal Harbour after dark.

在多伦多, 许多 加拿大国庆日活动 have unfortunately been canceled this year due to the ongoing city employeesstrike.

在 蒙特利尔 和整个魁北克, the festivities are known as Célafête 和, as elsewhere, include plenty of entertainment and fireworks. There are lots of special events in 卡尔加里 和 埃德蒙顿, 太.

And if you can’t get to any of the Canada Day festivities in person, 你可以调成 CBC’s special Canada Day coverage.

Do you have a favorite Canada Day tradition? 发表评论,让我们知道.

图片©卡罗琳乙. 海勒
