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提交 七月 6, 2009 – 7:57 关于一个评论

Calgary Stampede rodeoIt’s time for the 卡尔加里牛仔节(Calgary Stampede)!

Billing itself asThe Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth,” this year’s Stampede is taking over Calgary until July 12th.

If you’re a newcomer settling into Calgary, don’t plan on getting much done over the next 10 天. Nearly all of Calgary will be out at the city’s biggest party!

So what’s the Stampede all about?

Even as Calgary has become increasingly urban, the biggest event of the year still has its roots in cowboy culture. The Stampede is a 圈地, 县公平, 和 疯狂派对 集于一身.

What few people know, 不过, 是 the Stampede has a U.S. connection. 这是我书中的摘录, 留学加拿大生活, 解释:

踩踏, 开始 1912, 是一个美国的外籍人士的愿景. 出生于罗切斯特, 纽约, Guy Weadick became a vaudeville and rodeo performer who appeared across North America.

在卡尔加里, 嘿ħ. Ç. 麦克马伦, a livestock agent for the Canadian Pacific Railway, and they hatched a plan for a “wild west” show. They secured funding from several local businessmen, 踩踏推出.

The Stampede opens with a huge parade through downtown. Other attractions include chuck wagon races, calf roping, bull riding, 马显示, a carnival midway, and concerts by big-name entertainers. This year’s headliners 包括 里巴伊泰, 泰勒·斯威夫特, 肯尼薛士尼, å’Œ 乔治海峡.

The Stampede typically draws more than 100,000 people per day, so pull on your boots and come on down!

Photo by sundeepg (Flickrçš„)

一个评论 »

  • 沙龙 说::



    我们一直在踩踏在七月 2006. What a great adventure.

    What I remember the most was the special breakfast that was hosted by a Canadian Senator and the special drink that was prepared from disgusting ingredients which you had to drink.
