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提交 九月 2, 2009 – 8:27 关于没有评论

big-macIf you’ll be living and working in 多伦多, how far will your money go?

Or in more practical terms, 您需要工作多长时间才能赢得巨无霸?

Toronto’s purchasing power is tops among 73 城市 surveyed in the Economist’s巨无霸指数,” which measures how long it takes an average worker to earn the price of a Big Mac.

在多伦多 (and in similarly top-scoring Chicago and Tokyo), workers must labor 仅适用于 12 分钟 to afford a Big Mac.

At the bottom of the list, workers in Mexico City, 雅加达, 和内罗毕工作了两个多小时,以赢得他们的大汉堡.

照片由pointnshoot (Flickr的)
