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教授’ 支付在加拿大

提交 九月 4, 2009 – 8:00 关于没有评论

McMaster University加拿大大学教授挣多少钱?

如果您正在考虑在加拿大从事学术工作, have a look at Statistics Canada’s report onSalaries and Salary Scales of Full-time Teaching Staff at Canadian Universities, 2008/2009,” which surveyed pay scales at 63 universities across the country.

在 加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学 在温哥华, 例如, full professors earn an average of $154,346 annually (including medical and dental benefits), associate profs average $114,382, while assistant professors earn an average of $100,338.

在 麦克马斯特大学, 在哈密尔顿, 安大略, the average annual salaries are $142,278 for full professors, $111,421 for associate professors, 和 $83,284 for assistant professors.

At Nova Scotia’s 阿卡迪亚大学, full profs make an average of $113,252, associate profs $90,212, and assistant profs $77,640.

你可以 这里阅读完整的报告.

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