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为威尔士亲王在城里. 加拿大人做护理?

提交 十一月 6, 2009 – 7:10 关于没有评论

Changing of the Guard查尔斯, 威尔斯亲王, 和他的妻子, 卡米拉, 康沃尔公爵夫人, are touring Canada this week.

从纽芬兰和拉布拉多, they traveled to Ontario; then it’s on to British Columbia, 魁北克, 最后到渥太华. They’ll return to England on November 12.

Because Canada remains a constitutional monarchy, 英国女王伊丽莎白二世 is technically the 加拿大女王, the country’s official Head of State. 随着 继承英国王位, çš„ 威尔士亲王 is in line to become Canada’s official ruler.

If you’re a newcomer to Canada, particularly if you’ve come from the very non-royalist United States, you may be surprised by the degree to which the monarchy is alive and well north of the border. While the Queen’s role is largely symbolic, her portrait graces 加钱 å’Œ 邮票, å’Œ Canadian media covers a royal visit in minute detail.

但 Canadians have mixed feelings about their royal ties.

虽然自由党领袖 迈克尔伊格纳季耶夫 once famously dismissed the relevance of the monarchy withEnough of this nonsense,” 一 阳光媒体民调 在拍摄前一周这一最新的王室访问发现, support for dumping the monarchy stands at 45% nationally, 而 support for keeping the Queen as our head of state is slightly lower at 44%.”

Regardless of your views on the monarchy, 你可以 get the complete itinerary for the royal visit here.

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