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提交 十一月 16, 2009 – 8:20 关于没有评论

old-carWhere do Canadian cars go to die?

在, 这不是一个笑话的设置. 当你的老车已经住了其使用寿命, 一 绿色选择 是 加拿大“汽车天堂.“

Car Heaven is a Canadian car recycling program, 运行 夏山集团. It’s designed to encourage owners of older, less environmentally-friendly cars to retire their vehicles, and to ensure that those cars are disposed of in an environmentally-responsible way.

凭借其 退休您的旅程 initiative (known as废了in British Columbia), the program targets vehicles built in 1995 or earlier, 因为这些 older cars cause more air pollution than the average newer model, but they’ll recycle any car.

虽然细节各不相同按省份, in general the Car Heaven program will 拖走你的旧难有起色免费 和 make a charitable donation 你的名字. 在某些情况下, you may be eligible for a discount on the purchase of a new car or a bicycle, or for a reduced rate on membership in a car-sharing program.

欲了解更多信息, 退房 汽车天堂.

照片由muanisj (Flickr的)
