在11月23æ—¥å‘è¡Œ 纽约客 æ‚å¿—, å¡å°”æ–‡Trillin writes about “what may be, 是好还是å, åŠ æ‹¿å¤§çš„å›½èœ.”
He’s talking about poutine, éåŒ—å…‹åˆ›é€ çš„ç‚¸è–¯æ¡æ·‹ä¸Šè‚‰æ±å’Œå¥¶é…ªå‡ä¹³.
It’s better than it sounds, particularly when you’re taking a break from the ski slopes or when you’ve got the late-night munchies (Trillin refers to poutine as a “beer sponge…”).
è¿™ç¯‡æ–‡ç« æ˜¯æ供网上æ‚志订户, ä½†ä½ å¯ä»¥ å¬æ’客与Trillin å› ä¸ºä»–åœ¨çº½çº¦poutineæ ·å“ (纽约?!? 如何蒙特利尔, where of course there’s 网站致力于å‘所有的东西poutine?)
å¦‚æžœä½ èƒ½çœ‹æ‡‚æ³•æ–‡, æˆ–è€…å¦‚æžœä½ åªæ˜¯æƒ³çœ‹çœ‹å›¾ç‰‡, 退房 MaPoutine.ca, which has photos and mini-reviews of poutine around the world — even in ç“¦åŠ æœå¤, 布基纳法索 (!). 并å¯ä»¥ 这里我们较早poutineåŽè¯».
照片由乔Shlabotnik (Flickr的)