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美国的感恩节: 你错过?

提交 十一月 25, 2009 – 7:35 关于没有评论

thankgivingdinner作为一名在加拿大居住了好几年的美国, I don’t find myself missing that much about the U.S.

我想念我的家人和朋友. 良好的墨西哥食物,然后现在. 也许7月4日野餐.

但到了十一月的第四个星期, I miss 美国的感恩节.

And when I talk with my expat friends here in Canada, 其中许多人还表示, Thanksgiving makes them homesick.

当然, Canada has its own Thanksgiving holiday. But it’s just not the same big-deal event that turkey day is in the U.S.

So if you’re feeling homesick in Canada this week, 这里有一些 tips for beating the Thanksgiving blues:

How do you celebrate American Thanksgiving in Canada? Do you have ideas you can share with fellow expats? Leave a comment below.

And wherever you are, have a happy American Thanksgiving!

Photo by xybermatthew (Flickrçš„)
