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获取温哥华活跃 2010

提交 于12月 30, 2009 – 7:30 关于没有评论

vancouver-sun-run-2009Vancouverites have a well-deserved reputation for being active and outdoorsy.

If you’d like to join them but don’t want to go it alone, have a look at the City of Vancouver’s 活动活动日历.

它列出了整个 year’s worth of outdoor events, from the annual New Year’s Day 北极熊游泳 in English Bay to the springtime 太平洋人民报骑自行车 (this year’s ride will be Sunday, 四月 4) 到 泰瑞·福克斯润, which takes place across Canada every September to raise funds for cancer research.

徒步旅行, tennis tournaments, triathalons, beach soccer events, and runs short and longif it can get you outdoors, it’s on 活动事件列表.

并与 2010 冬季奥运会 coming to Vancouver in February, don’t you want to get active, 太?

摄影: 邓肯罗林森 (Flickr的)
