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提交 二月 1, 2010 – 7:15 关于5 评论

Ottawa real estate developments img_1788寻找在加拿大工作? 房地产仍然是热and offering 大量的就业机会.

该 渥太华公民报 近日报道,:

全国, 房地产的就业是由 71,000 或高达 35 每百 在 12 月十月 2008, 这是加拿大就业市场的经济衰退前的高峰.


对于所有的 2009, 整体就业下降 1.4 %,而就业房地产, 尽管取得了一些年底的弱点, 仍高达近 14 每百.

文章承认, 渥太华,在加拿大最稳定的房地产市场之一, since the federal government is that city’s major employer.

“不过,” the story continues, “全国各地的房地产市场已经存活了相对完整的低迷, 要么恢复到新的高点,或至少稳定. And that’s reflected in the employment numbers in the hot sector.

Here’s where you can read the full article: “热门职位: 为什么房地产开放横跨加拿大的大部分就业门.

图片©卡罗琳乙. 海勒

5 评论 »

  • 安东尼Smrke 说::

    Just thought I’d send you a quick note to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed what you had to say. 作为一个房地产经纪人,我采取了浓厚的兴趣,在所有的事情有做房地产. IVE书签您的网站,将返回时,我可以. Please keep up the good work

  • 奥列格 说::

    坦白, 一些 40% 房屋价格变动源于全球因素, 如利率和股市值的变化. 如果现在房地产价格过高,一个全球性的校正发生, Canada’s real estate, 和加拿大经济, would take a hit.

  • 在卡萨格兰德AZ出售的家 说::

    I think real estate is just a good type of business that’s why many businessman investing in this kind of business anywhere in the world.

  • 周杰伦从温哥华 说::

    一般来说, I would simply say that people will always need a place to livesurely there’s a greater and more complicated philosophy behind real estate market than that, I knowbut nowadays most people work in the tertiary sector of the economy, 他们还使用许多服务, and as long as they’re buying houses, they’ll need someone help them with the process.

    至于目前市场上的情况, 危机正在慢慢消退, and as it looks like we’re definitely out of the worst, it is a good time for realtorsthe prices are still low, 利率以及, the Olympics here in Vancouver are drawing some attention tooand the opportunities won’t wait.