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考虑移民加拿大? You’re not alone

提交 三月 12, 2010 – 7:00 关于没有评论

img_2266_croppedNewcomers continue to flock to Canada, and the Canadian population is growing increasingly diverse.

That’s according to a 从加拿大统计局的新报告, 项目 ç”± 2031, 至少 25% of Canada’s population will be foreign born.

Where are all these newcomers coming from?

Statistics Canada forecasts that in 2031, 55% of the foreign-born population would come from Asia, 关于 20% 来自欧洲, 刚下 14% 来自美洲, 和大约 9% 来自非洲.

该报告还预测, ç”± 2031, 约 30% of Canada’s population could belong to a visible minority group, nearly double the proportion reported in the nation’s 2006 人口调查.

More than 71% of visible minority people would live in Canada’s three largest metropolitan areas: 多伦多, 温哥华和蒙特利尔. 根据这项研究:

在多伦多, 24% of the population, or 2.1 million, 将是南亚裔, which would continue to be its largest visible minority group, up from 13% in 2006.

在温哥华, Chinese would be the largest visible minority group, with a population of around 809,000. They would account for about 23% of Vancouver’s population, up from 18% in 2006.

在蒙特利尔, visible minority groups would represent 31% of the population, nearly double the 16% in 2006. By 2031, its Arab population would almost reach the Black population.

So if you’re thinking about immigrating to Canada, you’re in good company.

要阅读更多, 这是 a summary å’Œ 加拿大统计局的报告的全部细节. The study is also getting lots of ink in the Canadian media, 包括 全球 & 邮件 å’Œ 加西新闻服务.

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