从 纽约时报:
ä¸å®‰è£…了税收和银行问题的挫折, å°ï¼Œä½† 海外的美国人越æ¥è¶Šå¤š æ£åœ¨æœç”¨çš„份é‡ä¸€æ¥ 放弃他们的公民身份.
为何? “…挫折超过税收和银行问题, 没有政治上的考虑, appear to be the main drivers of the surge.”
长久以æ¥ä¸€ç›´æŠ±æ€¨ç¾Žå›½çš„外国人, 美国是唯一的工业化国家,赢得了国内外所得税公民, 甚至当他们在其居ä½å›½å¾ç¨Ž, 尽管他们被å…许以排除他们的第一 $91,400 in foreign-earned income….
ä¸¥æ ¼çš„æ–°çš„é“¶è¡Œæ³•è§„ - 旨在é制逃税和, æ ¹æ®çˆ±å›½è€…法案“, 防æ¢èµ„金æµå…¥æ怖组织 - æ— æ„ä¸ä½¿ä¸€äº›å¤–国人更难在美国和国外在æŸäº›æƒ…况下ä¿æŒé“¶è¡Œè´¦æˆ·.
一些总部设在美国的银行已关é—外国人的å¸æˆ· å› ä¸ºå›°éš¾è¯æ˜Žï¼ŒæŒæœ‰äººä»ç„¶ä¿æŒç¾Žå›½. 地å€, as required by a Patriot Act provision….
“时代â€æ‚å¿— å†™äº†ä¸€ä¸ªç±»ä¼¼çš„æ–‡ç« : 为什么更多的ä¸ç¾Ž. 外ç±äººå£«åœ¨è°ˆåˆ°ä»–们的护照
该 时间 piece quoted an American expat — who renounced his U.S. citizenship after becoming an Australian citizen — about how difficult it was to make this decision: “My family and friends think I am a traitor. But the financial burden was killing me.”
Americans in Canada – what about you? ä½ æœ‰æ²¡æœ‰è€ƒè™‘è¿‡æ”¾å¼ƒçš„ä¸ç¾Ž. 公民æƒ? ä½ åš? Why or why not?
照片由瑞安麦克法兰 (Flickr的)
I’ll be giving up my citizenship, ä¸ç®¡. I’m just waiting for my Canadian citizenship to come through.
最åˆï¼Œæˆ‘ç§»å±…åŠ æ‹¿å¤§ä½œä¸ºä¸€ä¸ªæ”¿æ²»æŠ—è®®. 布什已ç»ä¸¤å¹´çš„总统和, if that alone wasn’t bad enough, 爱国者法案的åŽæžœç®€ç›´ä»¤äººä½œå‘•. I just wanted to get away from a country that would turn on its own citizens like that.
我å‘çŽ°åŠ æ‹¿å¤§æ˜¯æ¬¢è¿Žå’Œç”Ÿæ´»åœ¨è¿™æ ·ä¸€ç§ä¹è¶£. éšç€æ—¶é—´çš„推移, 没有让的心é å¾—æ›´è¿‘, 和我所有的伤害和背å›çš„感觉,我忘了从美国. My US passport didn’t seem to be hurting any, 所以我想,也许我åªæ˜¯ä¿æŒåœ¨æŠ½å±‰é‡Œï¼Œä¸€æ—¦æˆ‘å¾—åˆ°äº†æˆ‘çš„åŠ æ‹¿å¤§å…¬æ°‘. I thought we’d amicably separated and that was good enough.
åŽæ¥æˆ‘å‘现,我应该被æ交美国税收这次, ä¸æçš„FBARè¦æ±‚! 我å†æ¬¡è¢«å‡ºå–, åªæœ‰å¦‚æ¤ç³Ÿç³•å¾—多. ä¸ä»…是国税局æ¥åŽï¼Œæˆ‘, it’s coming after my Canadian husband (我们有共åŒçš„账户) å’Œæˆ‘åœ¨åŠ æ‹¿å¤§çš„å„¿å (my name is on his RESP).
在我未æ¥çš„ä»»ä½•æ‰€æ¬ ç¨Žæ¬¾ (which is a big fat zero because I’m in the lower middle class), 或未能æ交的,甚至公平的处罚将是一件事. But I can’t tolerate this disgusting attempt to financially ruin my family and to literally steal education from a baby! 这是æ¶å¿ƒ. 这是一个çªå‡ºçš„情况下为富ä¸ä»çš„美国例外.
所以,我的旧情人现在已ç»å˜æˆäº†ä¸€ä¸ªè·Ÿè¸ªè€…, 而且是潜在å±é™©. æˆ‘è§‰å¾—æˆ‘åˆ«æ— é€‰æ‹©ï¼Œåªèƒ½æ出离婚, å¯èƒ½, 任何国ç±é™åˆ¶ä»¤ç›¸å½“于. I’ll be giving the US consulate a call the very day my Canadian citizenship goes through. Count on it.
我一直ä½åœ¨åŠ 拿大自 1971 å¹¶ä¸€ç›´ä¸ºåŠ æ‹¿å¤§å…¬æ°‘ï¼Œå› ä¸º 1989. 我åªæ˜¯å‘现了这个å¯æ€œçš„业务, but have been advised to “conform”.
I don’t know what to do, 但已决定åšIRS的事情,最好的希望. I’ve never made anywhere near $90K and only bank in Canada so I suppose I’m too small a fish to get noticed, 虽然, å…¥ä¸æ•·å‡º, I applied for US social security a few years ago.
我和丈夫æ£åœ¨è€ƒè™‘在未æ¥å‡ 年移动. 我们è¦ä¸€åˆ€ä¸¤æ–, å 用有始有终, research what city we’ll end up in, ç‰ç‰. 我们è¦ç¦»å¼€çš„主è¦åŽŸå› æ˜¯å› ä¸ºå½“æˆ‘çš„ä¸ˆå¤«æ¥åˆ°ç¾Žå›½. 从墨西哥在80年代ä¸æœŸï¼Œä»–看到了这个国家作为一个全开放的å‰æ™¯. Slowly over the years we’ve witnessed a firmer, 对美国人更多紧缩æ¡. The taxes go up and up and you get taxed on money that’s already been taxed. You run a business and you can’t really even call it yours because instead of doing her job properly the health inspector threatens you just because she’s having a PMS day, 或å的头å‘一天或她的å¦ä¸€åŠè®©å¥¹ç–¯ç‹‚. æ— è®ºä½ å¦‚ä½•åŠªåŠ›è®©å¥¹å¼€å¿ƒå’Œéµå¾ªçš„规则,她得到一个大脑袋,并确ä¿ä½ 知é“她在她的怜悯. You have to go to law school just to make sure that you are following the gazillion laws the government passes without ever once asking it’s citizen’s if they approve or not. 在ä¸ç¾Ž. 一直在ä¸æ–çš„æˆ˜äº‰æ—©ï¼Œå› ä¸ºæˆ‘è¿˜è®°å¾—ï¼Œè€Œä¸æ˜¯ä¿å¥ç”¨çº³ç¨Žäººçš„钱,他们的税款和打击的东西上去大洋彼岸. 政府ä¸å†å…³å¿ƒæˆ‘们. They take our hard earned money and we don’t have a say in anything that they decide. åªè¦æˆ‘å¯ä»¥ç§»åŠ¨ï¼Œæˆ‘会. 我会花一些时间æ¥çœ‹çœ‹åŠ 拿大是真æ£å–œæ¬¢. 我和我丈夫最有å¯èƒ½ä¼šè°´è´£æˆ‘们的美国. 公民æƒ. 羞愧和失望,在美国已æˆä¸ºå¼€å›½å…ƒå‹‹.
艾丽西亚, å¤ªæ„Ÿè°¢ä½ äº†æ‚¨çš„æ„è§. 我也感到厌æ¶ç¾Žå›½å·²æˆä¸º. 我被带到了è°å´‡æ•¬çš„ç½—æ–¯ç¦çš„çˆ±å°”å…°ç§»æ°‘ï¼Œå› æ¤æ‰€æœ‰çš„感谢,他为这个国家和人民的共åŒåˆ©ç›Š. That’s almost entirely gone, 我相信我们现在已ç»æ˜¯æ³•è¥¿æ–¯ä¸»ä¹‰ (作为墨索里尼社团最åˆæŠŠå®ƒç§°ä¸º). 我国家的气氛ä¸æ¯’仇æ¨, å执, 贪心, å’Œæ惧. It’s a mean country, and I just don’t sense any feeling of real community here. 我的儿å和他的妻å, 1åšå£«ç¤¾ä¼šå¦å®¶, å‡ å¹´ä½åœ¨è¥¿é›…图,并定期走访温哥åŽ. 他们ç»å¸¸è°ˆè®ºä»–ä»¬å¦‚ä½•çˆ±åŠ æ‹¿å¤§äººæ°‘. 我 60 years old and really don’t want to spend the rest of my life in this ignorant, å¹³å‡æ˜‚扬的气氛. æˆ‘åˆšé€€ä¼‘ï¼Œå¾ˆè®¤çœŸåœ°è€ƒè™‘ç§»å±…åŠ æ‹¿â€‹â€‹å¤§, but don’t even know where to begin. I’m thinking of Ottawa, 多伦多, 新斯科èˆçœ, 或蒙特利尔. 我的下一个æ¥éª¤åº”该是? ä½ æ˜¯æ€Žä¹ˆåšçš„? ä½ å¯ä»¥ç»™ä»»ä½•æ„è§ï¼Œå°†æœ€æ¬£èµ.
您好, è¿™å¯èƒ½æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªå¾ˆå¥½çš„时间æ¥çœ‹çœ‹åœ¨æ–°æ–¯ç§‘èˆçœ. 检查出网站新斯科èˆçœæ¥çš„生活. 今天, 他们有一个关于如何开始新的生活有éžå¸¸è‰¯å¥½çš„ä¿¡æ¯åŒ–故事. ä½ å½“ç„¶å¯ä»¥å‰å¾€æ–°æ–¯ç§‘èˆçœå’Œæ£€æŸ¥å‡ºæ¥. I’m not sure if you live on the East or West coast but as for myself, I’m from the Northwest and have considered lately about taking a job in Canada, å¯èƒ½æ˜¯æ–°æ–¯ç§‘èˆçœ. It’s hard because like you I”m in my 60s, 辛苦了两个å¦ä½, 工作, æ出和女儿照顾我的å™å¥³. I’m still struggling along in California (ç»æµŽæ˜¯æ¯”以往任何时候都在这里更糟), wondering why I haven’t joined the others who have been forced out or voluntarily moved out of the state. 基本上, 我ä¸è§‰å¾—æˆ‘çš„å·¥ä½œä»·å€¼æˆ–èµžèµ (ä¼ä¸šä¸–ç•Œ). Everyone is looking over their shoulders at work and I can’ say that I blame them. If you’d like me to provide a few websites about Canada, 请让我知é“. I’ve been researching a move to Canada for several months now. 亲切的问候, æ²™
A really beautiful area is Niagara on the Lake, which is a nice little town close to Niagara Falls. There are even wineries close by and a really relaxing atmosphere. I would highly recommend it than Toronto.
我什至è§åˆ°ä¸€äº›ç¾Žå›½çš„外国人,他们似乎真的很高兴. 连房å真是太美了,太. Its really peaceful and by a gorgeous lake.
Here is a realty site with some properties there.
我将放弃我的ä¸ç¾Ž. 公民,但, å®ƒå…·æœ‰ä¸Žç¨Žæ”¶æ— å…³. æˆ‘çš„ä¸ˆå¤«æ˜¯åŠ æ‹¿å¤§å¤šå¹´ï¼Œè™½ç„¶æˆ‘åœ¨åŠ æ‹¿å¤§é™è½åœ¨ç¾Žå›½ï¼Œæˆ‘打算退休回. 我家附近.
所有的想法改å˜äº†æˆ‘ 2008 当我工作的民主派和看到大规模的选举舞弊被犯下的其他æˆå‘˜å…šè¿žçª¥è§†è‡ªå·±çš„党,从党或媒体. 媒体都知é“ï¼Œå› ä¸ºæˆ‘ä»¬æ‰ä½äº†ç£å¸¦ä¸Šï¼Œè¿™ç§æ¬ºè¯ˆè¡Œä¸ºï¼Œä½†, 他们拒ç»æŠ¥å‘Š. Two years later they have reported “一些” of what they knew.
主è¦çš„åŽŸå› ä¹‹ä¸€ï¼Œæˆ‘ä¾ç„¶1ä¸ç¾Ž. 公民比我æ¬å›žé™„近家åºçš„愿望,有投票æƒï¼Œå¹¶åœ¨æ”¿åºœä¸æ‹¥æœ‰æ›´å¤§çš„å‘言æƒï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥æˆ‘曾ç»ç›¸ä¿¡.
The level of utter corruption even by my own party was enough for me to realize there is no “there there” 在ä¸ç¾Ž. anymore for me.
在ä¸ç¾ŽåŒæ–¹. åŒè…败公å¸çš„翅膀上å‡ç¥¨å’Œç¾Žå…ƒçš„人,虽然他们都喷出修辞.
I’m out of there. The country I once thought of as “democratic” and the party I once thought as for “fair reflection” å’Œ “voter rights” are both gone for me now.
我会很高兴给我的ä¸ç¾Ž. citizenship now as soon as my Canadian citizenship papers are complete and that’s not long coming for me. 这是å¯æ‚²çš„我看到什么已æˆä¸ºç½—æ–¯ç¦çš„党和国家,但, 我用自己诚实地æ„识到这是ä¸ä¼šæ”¹å˜æˆ‘的生活时间. åŠ æ‹¿å¤§æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªæ›´åŠ äººæ€§åŒ–çš„å›½å®¶ï¼Œæ— è®ºå¦‚ä½•.
也许我有自己的声音有多么å°ï¼Œä¹Ÿè®¸æˆ‘投票时,它会使一些å°çš„区别. 东西是现在在美国没有比æ“纵比赛.
也许有的放弃有关税收问题的,但, 我们有些人放弃了,从æŸç§æ„义上说,我们ä¸å†åœ¨æˆ‘们自己的国家,在所有问题任何. 兵团我国政府在ä¸ç¾Žè¿è¡Œ. NOT人,他们在W.H. 何人会打çƒæœ€. 投票gamedå·²ç»å¾ˆé•¿ä¸€æ®µæ—¶é—´. 但是我没有æ„è¯†åˆ°çš„ç¨‹åº¦ï¼Œè¿™æ˜¯æ€Žä¹ˆå›žäº‹ï¼Œæˆ‘è¿˜ä»¥ä¸ºæ˜¯åˆ°è¿™æ ·çš„é•¿åº¦åªæœ‰å³ç¿¼. 我知é“我所看到的, I know what wasn’t done about it. I won’t stand with that.
如果我想哨åå¹ä»€ä¹ˆåŒºåˆ«ï¼Œæˆ‘想留下æ¥æˆ˜æ–—,但, 我们试图和视而ä¸è§è½¬èº«. Once you lose voting rights it’s over anyway.
这是一个粗é²çš„觉醒,但, I’m over it and moving on to a place where I can make a difference when I vote. é‚£ä¸ªåœ°æ–¹æ˜¯åŠ æ‹¿å¤§. æˆ‘æ„Ÿè°¢åŠ æ‹¿å¤§æœ‰æˆ‘ï¼Œå¹¶æ‰¿è¯ºè‡ªæ„¿å’ŒåŠªåŠ›åšæˆ‘的一部分,并作出积æžè´¡çŒ®.
该 2008 主è¦æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªè‚®è„çš„, é€ æ··ä¹±, the party knew and did nothing all while claiming they are the party of “rights” With no other alternative except the republicans who are just as bad there’s no reason to stay as nothing good can come out of corporation pandering for the people of the U.S.
我爱我的国家,但, 它已ä¸å†å–œæ¬¢å®ƒçš„äººï¼Œå› æ¤æ²¡æœ‰ä»»ä½•ç†ç”±ç•™æ”¯å‡ºè¡€æ¶², ä¸æŒ‡æœ›ä½ 的声音,在所有的汗水和泪水一个国家. ä½ æ˜¯æ— å£°çš„ï¼Œä½†æ— è¡¨å†³æƒ.
我ä¸æ˜¯å”¯ä¸€çš„人,è°åšäº†è¿™äº›åŽŸå› è¿™. 我知é“一个女人在æ„大利, 一,U.K. 亲自. 也许有更多. If you renounce for “tax purposes” or whatever reason more power to you however some of us are being lumped in with the “tax purposes” folks who have many other legitimate reasons to renounce.