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寻找快乐, 来到蒙特利尔

提交 八月 2, 2010 – 4:04 下午没有评论

Looking for happiness? 孤独星球 说:, “Come to Montreal.

The Australia-based travel guide company recently published a list of the World’s 10 最快乐的地方, å’Œ 蒙特利尔市described as清洁, welcoming and refreshingly multicultural” — made the cut.

Although Canada’s second largest city scored high on the happiness scale, it couldn’t beat the South Pacific island of 瓦努阿图, 名列其中 #1 on Lonely Planet’s happy places list. 像法语蒙特利尔, Vanuatu undoubtedly earned more points for the weather!

去年, Kellogg’s Special K Satisfaction Survey found that the happiest 女 在加拿大住在多伦多. But this same Kellogg’s poll reported that the chic women of Montreal scored highly onsatisfaction with body image.

If you’re thinking about relocating to happy Montreal, 我们可以帮助. 看看我们的 留学加拿大生活: 蒙特利尔 page for lots of Montreal relocation resources.

蒙特利尔 “Juste Pour Rirefestival photo by jeanpierrelavoie (Flickrçš„)
