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想住在加拿大? 加拿大希望你!

提交 十一月 15, 2010 – 10:50 关于5 评论

虽然许多国家都试图限制移民, 加拿大欢迎新人.

That’s according to this intriguing 纽约时报 文章: “不畏趋势, 更多的移民加拿大诱剂:”

Rancorous debates over immigration have erupted from Australia to Sweden, 但没有在加拿大的反移民政客这样的事情. 少数国家采取更多的移民人均, and perhaps none with less fuss….


长期以来,加拿大一直寻求移民来填充的世界第二大地块, 但在20世纪60年代两个塑造了当今时代发展.

去创造 一分制有利于高技能. 其他 取消规定,筛选出非白人. 其次少数民族百万, 与中国, Indians and Filipinos in the lead.

当我们搬到加拿大从美国, 我感到震惊 Canada’s notably more welcoming attitude toward newcomers, 其中 时报 article also notes:

相对于其人口, 加拿大时间超过两倍,美国的许多合法移民. 为什么没有喧嚣?

随着三分之一的美国人口第九, 加拿大是激烈的增长, 和点系统帮助说服公众这是它需要获得新人. 移民的孩子一般都很好. 经济低迷一直比较温和. 再加上大规模非法移民的情况下删除在美国冲突的主要来源.

我也惊讶于中美之间的对比. “melting potphilosophywhere successful immigrants are expected to assimilate into the great melting pot of American society — å’Œ Canada’s belief in itself as a multicultural country.

在大多数加拿大人似乎觉得, 多民族居住可以并排, and immigrants don’t have to give up their traditional culture to become part of their new Canadian community. 随着 时报 put it:

法语和英语从一开始, 加拿大也有一个更包容的政治文化 - 一个接受更多 pluribus 并要求减少 Unum.

该 时报 article gave lots of coverage to Canada’s 省提名计划, 特别是在 马尼托巴, 已接受约 50,000 new immigrants over the last ten years:

虽然联邦 (入境事务处) 制度有利于那些拥有大学学位, 马尼托巴取半熟练, 像卡车司机, and focuses on people with local relatives

省提名计划旨在吸引移民有特别的技能,谁各省要求. 申请省提名 往往是通过更快 比 联邦技术移民的申请.

To learn more about Canada’s provincial nominee programs, 遵循的连结 省提名: 谁可以申请 页面上 加拿大公民身份和移民 网站.

而且,您可以阅读完整的 纽约时报 文章在这里.

你怎么看? 是加拿大更欢迎比其他国家的移民? 发表评论,让我们知道.

摄影: 迈克尔弗朗西斯麦卡锡 (Flickr的)

5 评论 »

  • MD. 伊斯兰MAZADUL 说::

    我想住在加拿大. It is my dream.

  • rabindra库马尔sahoo 说::

    Dear sir i am a indian and want to live and work at canada according to my qualification .please advice me.



    Rabindra Kumar Sahoo

    M-91 7381560666

  • Wahaj 说::

    I want to go to canada becaus i love that country my uncle and my cousins are also there i am only 14 years of age and the resident of the country pakistan I will go to go canada even if i get a chance to visit it at student’s visa!!

  • 朱 说::

    I like the way Canada deals with immigration. The rules are clear from the start and so much information is available at cic.gc.ca! Very different from a lot of countries which don’t really advertise how to live there, 例如,如法国.

    • 卡罗琳乙. æµ·å‹’ 说::

      我同意. Citizenship and Immigration Canada provides lots of helpful information for potential immigrants to Canada, as do the provinces with their provincial nominee programs.