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提交 于10月 12, 2009 – 7:01 关于没有评论

thanksgivingturkey今天 — 星期一, 月 12, 2009 — is the Thanksgiving holiday 在加拿大.

Canadians celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday roughly six weeks earlier than Americans do. 和中美. 外籍人士总是问, “Why?“

这是我书中的摘录, 留学加拿大生活, 关于 为什么加拿大的感恩节是在10月:

虽然 Canada doesn’t share the pilgrim legends that infuse U.S. Thanksgiving traditions, the country does have a history of thanksgiving feasts….

The Canadian government first proclaimed an official holiday for “the blessings of an abundant harvest” in November 1879. For the next 40-some years, Canada celebrated Thanksgiving on varying dates in either October or November….Finally, 在 1957, Parliament permanently declared that Thanksgiving would be celebrated on the second Monday of October.

但是,为什么十月? 历史学家不同意, 虽然很多人说这是因为 October is harvest time in much of Canada. 由11月下旬, wide swaths of the country are already covered in snow.

Most Americans will find Canada’s Thanksgiving foods familiar. Canadians typically load up their holiday table with turkey, 馅, mashed or sweet potatoes, 酸果蔓调味汁, at least of couple of other vegetables, and some sort of pie.

加拿大的生活 杂志 highlights some of the subtle differences between Thanksgiving dinners in Canada and the U.S here.


照片由Shoshanah的 (Flickr的)
