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提交 十一月 8, 2012 – 6:49 关于没有评论

High-tech companies, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

有过 对加拿大企业家来说有很多好消息, 特别是对于想要在加拿大创业或在该国技术部门工作的移民和潜在移民.

But immigration policies are in flux, 太, so you’ll need to keep on top of the changes.

Here’s a round-up of some recent news:

In a dispatch from the 世界信息技术大会上和, 最近在蒙特利尔举行, TechVibes quoted a number of entrepreneurs who believe that 加拿大是一个了不起的地方发射启动. “There are challenges to building companies in Canada,” the article noted, “But those challenges are no greater than ones faced elsewhere in the world.

This article, 加拿大旨在吸引科技人才, from a Canada immigration newsletter, reports on Canada’s job market for technology and science professionals. 是的, it says that that market is good!

该 金融邮报 reports on Calgary’s business culture and on 卡尔加里是一个企业家的梦想.

在安大略省, the Kitchener-Waterloo region fosters a culture of startups.

此外,在安大略省, several programs are helping match immigrants with small business jobs. These programs include:

For more information about upcoming immigration changes that may affect potential Canadian entrepreneurs, 我们最近的文章 Canada’s plans for a new “创业签证” 移民企业家.

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