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该 10 最便宜的城市,在加拿大买回家

提交 于12月 6, 2012 – 8:02 关于没有评论

Along the riverfront in Windsor Ontario CanadaIf you want to buy a four-bedroom, two-bathroom house, the cheapest city in Canada is Windsor, 安大略, where yourdream homewill cost an average of $170,991.

But if you’d rather settle in 温哥华, which frequently 跻身在世界上最好的地方生活, that same home will set you back a cool $1.8 万.

一项新的研究COLDWELL BANKER房地产 found that five of the ten most affordable markets in Canada are in Ontario, with three additional markets in Atlantic Canada, 在阿尔伯塔省, 在不列颠哥伦比亚省.

出奇, 尼亚加拉大瀑布 — often considered Canada’s top tourist attractionis one of Canada’s least expensive cities to buy real estate, 排名 #6 çš„COLDWELL BANKER研究中.

该 10 cheapest Canadian cities include:

城市 排名 Average Home Price
温莎, 作者: 1 $170,991
林比, AB公司 2 $201,950
韦兰, 作者: 3 $218,354
新格拉斯哥, 生理盐水 4 $218,641
阿默斯特, 生理盐水 5 $224,662
尼亚加拉大瀑布, 作者: 6 $228,858
线索, 公元前 7 $232,300
史密斯瀑布, 作者: 8 $232,343
遄达山, 作者: 9 $237,800
康沃尔, IN 10 $239,750


Vancouver is the nation’s most expensive housing market, with the Vancouver suburbs of Richmond ($1,181,654) 和本拿比 ($917,968) 紧随其后.

Among Canada’s other large cities, average prices were $500,233 在渥太华, $468,474 在埃德蒙顿, $466,183 在多伦多, å’Œ $409,900 在卡尔加里. 这项研究并没有包括蒙特利尔,魁北克市, where prices are typically below those in Canada’s other major metropolitan areas.

点击这里查看全部 COLDWELL BANKER家清单报告.

And for another take on Canada’s cheapest cities, 看到我们最近的文章, 加拿大房地产: 买回家的成本, which recapped the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s fourth quar­ter 2012 加拿大房地产价格报告.

Windsor Ontario riverfront photo by Andrea_44 (Flickrçš„)
