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温哥华 2010: 即将为奥运? 想留下来?
二月 8, 2010 – 7:00 关于 | 评论关闭 上 温哥华 2010: 即将为奥运? 想留下来?
温哥华 2010: 即将为奥运? 想留下来?

Thinking about relocating to British Columbia?

Coming to Vancouver this month?

With thousands of visitors traveling to Vancouver for the 2010 冬季奥运会, the government of British Columbia is hoping to use the Games to

移居加拿大? 考虑这六个主要城市
一月 22, 2010 – 7:30 关于 | 评论关闭 上 移居加拿大? 考虑这六个主要城市
移居加拿大? 考虑这六个主要城市

“卡尔加里 (艾伯塔), 滑铁卢 (安大略), 渥太华 (作者:), 温哥华 (公元前), 圣. 约翰的 (纽芬兰及拉布拉多), and Richmond Hill (作者:) have what migrants are looking for when choosing where to locate.

That’s according to a recent Conference Board

一月 8, 2010 – 7:25 关于 | 6 评论

Citizenship and Immigration Canada recently launched an 工作许可证申请的在线服务.

之前,你可以在加拿大工作, newcomers must have either a valid Canadian work permit or Canadian permanent resident status.

å’Œ …

New Year’s Resolution: 移动到加拿大 2010
一月 1, 2010 – 7:00 关于 | 评论关闭 上 New Year’s Resolution: 移动到加拿大 2010
New Year’s Resolution: 移动到加拿大 2010

是 “移居加拿大” topping your list of New Year’s resolutions this year?

If you’ve been thinking about relocating to Canada, you’ve come to the right place.

这儿 留学加拿大生活, you’ll

加拿大: 世界上最适合居住
十一月 30, 2009 – 7:50 关于 | 3 评论
加拿大: 世界上最适合居住


据 2009 汇丰外籍经验调查, 它是.

加拿大突破生活的最佳场所名单, with expats there